Play Here

Little girls humming, in hand-me-downs, hanging from monkey bars,

One tooth fallen out.

Chalk drawn on concrete, skipping and hopping all around. 

The jump rope sings its rhythmic sound while loafers tap and ponytails dance. 

Slides slide and swings sway, their sandbox kingdom grows tall. 

Little shovels fill plastic buckets with sand, sticks, and stones. 

See-saws see-saw up and down like boats to shore.

Glue sticks, sticky finger thumb wars, stuck on the merry-go-round.

A flake shoved inside a Mr. Whippy ice cream, melting down fingers, smudging cardigans: 

Stains of honor. 

Buttercups glow on rounded chins and the twinkle of golden stars on collars.

Silly smiles, grinning eyes, cheeks widen and tongues stick out.

Paper hats caught in the wind, arms reaching out to catch them.

Twiddling thumbs at the top of the rocket ship, scheming ways to conquer beyond the fence.  

Counting down to blast off as names called by deeper voices. 

Clouds form above heads, coats buttoned up, shoelaces tied as hands scooped up and dragged out the squeaky gate; 

song and rhyme fade into the distance, 

Playtime’s over.

Penelope and Milly, 2024

Soft Foam and Felt

Thesis Installation


Fenced Flock in a Tizzy Eating a Fizzy Lollipop

